30 July 2009

News from Dinoto July 2009: School Reopening, Dinoto's newspaper, Heald Street Garden, Election of new SGB, Peermont funds

School reopening

After the June examination, the pupils (and the educators) deserved a break: the holidays!
This meant three weeks no school, no homework or classwork, except for the grade 12 learners who had to attend their holiday classes for two weeks.

I used this time to search with them for bursaries for their future studies and made a little exposition for them (see picture).

Then on the 20th of July the school reopened.

Dinoto's newspaper

On the first school day after holidays the first issue of the "Young Stars News", the new Dinoto school newspaper was sold.

The newspaper team sold nearly 150 papers and by this raised money for the school. Congratulations!
And they are just working on the next issue!

Heald Street Garden: Dinoto becomes green

Dinoto started a school garden project working together with different stakeholders like the eco-club of the school.
The first step was made by the staff planting spinach seeds on the first bed and they are growing well!
The name of the garden is "Heald Street Garde". Look at the picture and you know why!

Election of new SGB

SGB means School Governing Body. The SGB consists of representatives from the parents, the learners, the teachers, and the nonacademic staff.
It was time to elect the new SGB-members. So now Dinoto has its new SGB members! See our ne chairperson below.

Peermont support

Last but not least Dinoto gets a big chance to get prominent support in the future due to the successful application for support from the Peermont entreprise.

After a hard long working phase over several months, different presentations and the hand-over of a long school report - putted together by the whole staff during a brainstorming session at the weekend - Dinoto got finally a positive answer.
This means of course a lot of work and new challenges for Dinoto.

Mr. Shongwe - maths and science teacher - had the honor to give this positive news to the staff at the 27 th July (which was also the birthday of the principal!) during break time.

With this good news I want to close this blog for today.
More news soon.

Best regards