23 March 2011

New exchange learner / Jabu's farewell / GOL / Temporary classrooms / New volunteer / Drums donation / End of 1st term

Exchange learner

Since the 28th February a new learner is part of the Dinoto family. His name is Mandla, 16 years old and he will stay with us until January 2012. Welcome in our school!

Farewell Jabu

Where there are welcomes, there are also good-byes. Jabu’s time at Dinoto ended, his farewell-function took place on Friday, the 4th March. It was a very nice and memorable day; learners as well as teachers had prepared speeches and other contributions.

We want to thank Jabu for his great work at Dinoto and hope he enjoyed his farewell!


Our Gauteng Online Computer Center was attended by a technician last week and all our problems could be solved. At the same time our system was also upgraded to a new basic system (Ubuntu) and new office software (Open Office).

Thanks to Gauteng Online!

Temporary Classrooms

Last time, we informed you that the building up of our temporary classrooms had begun, now we are very happy and proud to announce that they are almost finished! All houses are up, just the tiling needs to finished, and then the new rooms are ready for our learners!

Thanks to our government for their support!

New Volunteer

On Tuesday, the 8th February another new face joined Dinoto. It’s a new volunteer from Germany, who got the South African name Matome, he will stay with us until February 2012.

In the following he will introduce himself shortly to you:

Hello, my name is Axel, but my new South African name is Matome. I am 20 years old and I am from Germany. At the moment I am in the Arts & Culture department, because I love arts, for example I can play the saxophone and the piano and I am very happy to learn something about the different cultures in South Africa.

New Dustbins

Dinoto was lucky to secure a donation of 14 drums, which can and are already used as outdoor dust bins.

Thanks a lot to the donators the BG Scrap Dealers, we really appreciate!

End of first term

Tomorrow the end of the first term in 2011 is already reached and Dinoto closes untill the 11th of March. Enjoy your holidays everybody!

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