09 December 2009

News December 2009: Parents meeting and award ceremony, a science camp, end of year basketball play and term closure

Parents Meeting and Award Ceremony

On Sunday 6th December Dinoto invited all the parents to to discuss 2010's budget in the meeting.

Afterwards the best learners in each subject and grade as well as the overall best learners in each grade received certificates to honour their hard work during the last school year.

Our best learners in 2009 are
Grade 8: Mahlangu Busisiwe
Grade 9: Dlamini Nomvula
Grade 10: Masuku Sibongile
Grade 11: Ncongwane Nonhlanhla

To celebrate this event condingly a snack and some cold drinks were served afterwards.

Science Camp At Saasta Observatory Johannesburg

With 25 learners from grade 8 and 9 Dinoto was invited by Saasta (South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement) for a three days science camp from 7th to 9th of December to Johannesburg Observatory. The three days were filled with interesting activities for our learners, thus they first built models of different appliances with the help of instructions and afterwards invented and completed an own design (e.g. a phone box ATM, a ramp for wheelchairs, a South African soccer stadium and a car ventilator) with cardboard.

On the second day they were also entertained by a science show and stunned by the moebius rings and by making telescopes. But after all one thing is clear: maths, science and technology is no witchcraft and is ubiquitous!

Thanks to Saasta for the wonderful three days, we really enjoyed it!

End Of Year B-balling

To celebrate the existence of the 2009 Dinoto Basketball team the team met for a end of the year playing on the Dinoto court. Nice music, cold drinks, incredible weather and a basketball - we were in paradise.

Term Closure

On Friday 11th December the learners will receive their reports. With this the school will close officially.
We wish all our readers and followers a wonderful Christmas time and a happy new year.
See you in 2010!

01 December 2009

News December 2009: Last Examination Day For The Dinoto Matriculants

On Monday 30th November the matriculants wrote their last exam... finally done! Enjoy the impressions on Dinoto TV:

16 November 2009

Steve Biko Foundation supplied Dinoto learners with Comic books!

Thanks to the Steve Biko Foundation all grade 9 learners from Dinoto got yesterday a Steve Biko comic book.

This year the grade 9 learners had the topic "apartheid" in their curriculum. After visiting the arpartheid museum (see blog from 22/10/09) and other sites in Johannesburg the comic is just another important and good additional educational material.

The learners and teacher (in the picture Mr. Mohlamme) studied the comic immediately.

Dinoto Technical School says a big thank to the Steve Biko Foundation for their help and support. Thank you SBF!

09 November 2009

Function for the SAREX project participants

On Thursday, 5 November a little function for the SAREX project participants was organized. After a short introduction and the opening prayer by Mr Mhlongu, Mr White welcomed all the guests, as there were the learners, the staff, SGB members, beneficiaries of the Daveyton Association of the Physically Disabled and even representatives of ATNS (Aeronautical and Navigation Service)Three short films were shown as well as a slideshow with impressions of the experiences during the SAR exercise. Then all the participants were honoured with certificates for their work and their commitment. Moreover, as the learners got the task to write a short article about their eventful adventure during the stay in uKhahlamba/Drakensberge, the best article (see below) was awarded and recited by the author himself, Thato Monametsi. After a closing prayer everybody was ready for the refreshments provided in the staff room. Nthando

DINOTO TV #2 and #3

Dear Reader,

today you will see some sequals of DINOTO TV about the SAREX projects. Enjoy the little films.


02 November 2009

The SAREX trip from the view of a Dinoto learner:

The following article was written by Thato Monametsi (picture) during the SAREX project and was nominated best article on the school function on November 5.

"Being involved in the SAREX project has built me further in terms of character and well being, painting and assembling the plane was the best part, even though we had a few disagreements with the design. This was the biggest project and the most rewarding where I've ever been involved in. Working with a huge number of learners like myself was incredible, because we learned from one another. The trip was amazing from the start (that's after we got off the bus, it was one very long drive) to the end (before we got on , I didn't want to leave, I wasn't ready to!)
Sani Pass is a beautiful place, we were able to bond and feel like kids again! The bus ride was very long, but we entertained ourselves by playing music, dancing, cracking jokes, playing and getting tired. And after that we did it all over again. We fell in love with Drakensberg region from the moment we saw the landscape. The air was fresh, clear and addictive compared to the township we come from in Daveyton. The hills had the most distinctive features, which was really amazing.
The Sani-Pass Hotel was very welcoming and beautiful, we were treated like ministers. the room ,well god, the beds were nice and the food was INCREDIBLE. I've never eaten that much, and seeing Sandile, Banele and Crosby eating until they watched their plates was amusing. All in all the trip was amazing, if only they gave me a bigger page than I could have told you more about our beautiful journey!"
Thato Monametsi

30 October 2009

SAREX DIARY: Friday, 30th October

Today the real rescue started. Being prepared by a make-up artist with scars, bruises and burns the actors were ready to "crash" with the Dinoto plane. From the air, from the land, from all around help was arriving to save the brave Dinoto crew. The main part of the project finally ended with a braai in the local community.

29 October 2009

SAREX DIARY: Thursday, 29th October

Thursday- departure day for the students who were quite sad to leave. For the other ones a short briefing took place to explain the further happenings.

But the bad, rainy, cold, cloudy weather thwarted the plans. No air craft could take off and search for the wrecks of the Dinoto plane. Also some parts of the plane needed to be transported to the mountains which was finally done by off-road vehicles in heavy rain. All the "frozen" helpers were sleeping like healthy babies that night!

28 October 2009

SAREX DIARY: Wednesday, 28th October

6 o'clock a.m.: morning exercises in the lovely Drakensberg mountains. Not only running with brutal Sibusiso and Laurentia, also sporty Shongwe was joining the marathon training. All together we hit at least 30 km... and afterwards thoughen the body up in the ICY swimming pool.

7:30: Breakfast

9:00: Adventure trip...

11:00: official opening conference and handshaking with the deputy minister of transport as well as a music item from the Dinoto learners.

13:45: Meeting a former Generations star

14:00: Lunch for the hungry learners

15:00: - movie by local directors
- placing of the first plane parts in the mountains

19:00: dinner

Again a wonderful day, but too exhausted to give further information today... the pictures are describing it better than words do.

Sibusiso and Nthando

27 October 2009

SAREX DIARY: Tuesday, 27th October

At 6 o' clock 22 learners from Dinoto (grade 9 to 11) and beneficiaries from the association of the disabled persons Daveyton left the Dinoto premises to drive through a varying landscape towards their final destination in KwaZulu Natal, the uKhahlamba/southern Drakensberg region...

10 hours later the group arrived exhausted but excited at the Sani Pass Hotel near Underberg.
To energize the learners some games were played

and a special Candlelightdinner was arranged.

By singing a welcome song thanks was expressed to the officials arriving at the hotel. "Sanibonani, Dumelang, ..., Hello!"

Then it was time to rest in order to face the important duties of tomorrow.

25 October 2009

SAREX: The plane is ready to take off!

After days of hard work finally the plane is ready for its way to the Drakensberg region. Here are some impressions :

22 October 2009

Dinoto News October: School trips and a basketball partnership

Hector Pieterson Museum, Nelson Mandela Family Museum, Apartheidmuseum

Due to the topic Alpartheid in social science for 9th grade a trip to
Joburg's Apartheidmuseum

and Soweto's Hector Pieterson museum

and Nelson Mandela Family Museum

was organized at 7th October.
Around 30 learners joined to visit the history-charged places.

Gold Reef City

A day the whole school was looking forward to months in advance - the trip to Gold Reef City at 16th October. Around 300 learners were placed in 5 buses and went on their journey to the fun park. Thanks to the RCL for the organization!

Basketball Partnership

The Dinoto Basketball team has a partnership with my German Basketball team Ebstorf. We are reporting to each other about games and tournaments. See the photos below.

Then last week the school was recieving a big packet from Germany! The Dinoto Basketball team was very happy! When they opened it, they found three new balls, a lot of basketball shirts and a ball pump!

So: thank you very much to TUS EBSTORF!

Dinoto says thank you!

20 October 2009

A helicopter at Dinoto - the SAREX project

What does the strange word SAREX mean? What is all this about? Why does a helicopter land in our school premises?

To clarify those questions I want to give a short lesson in international aviation:
In 1944 the Convention on International Aviation (known as the Chicago Convention) was signed by 52 states (nowadays 190 states signed). The states obliged themselves to provide assistance to any aircraft in distress and to its occupants.

Therefore training is necessary and thus the Search And Rescue EXercise (SAREX) was introduced "to achieve and maintain maximum efficiency in search and rescue" (Annex 12, Chicago Convention)

Dinoto Technical Secondary School, the Daveyton Association of the Physically Disabled and AVM productions are members of the SAREX 2010 project. This is a search and rescue training in South Africa organized by the department of transport. For Dinoto the aim of the project is not to have any financial benefit from it but purely for exposure and community involvement. Our school's task in this project was to build a model of an aeroplane. Around 20 pupils helped to paint the construct of the plane to make it look as real as possible.

At Monday 26th October the plane will be transported to the uKhahlamba/Drakensberg region (declared a World Heritage site in 2000), where the SAR exercise will take place. The minister of transport will open the exercise on the 28th October.

For the preparation for this event the school got visitors arriving "from above" with a helicopter at 20th October. The school was nearly blown away, and turned upside down by their arrival. Learners as well as teachers were excited to get so near to a "real chopper". The pilot even gave some information about his job and the experience of flying to the learners. After some time the visitors left again dispersing the Dinoto dust.

See below the movie about the visit. The movie is at the same time the first part and launch of Dinoto TV. Enjoy it!

Best greetings

29 September 2009

Dinoto News September 2009: A new assistant teacher at Dinoto; Spring Bash; Matric Dance

Gruess Gott to Dinoto!

My name is Ntando aka Ulrike and I'm the new teacher assistant from Germany. I've arrived 3 weeks before and will stay until August 2010. I want to thank my colleagues and learners for the warm welcome you gave me and I'm looking forward to great teamwork during the next 12 months.

Spring Bash

My first week in Dinoto ended a bit untypical with the Spring Bash. It was also the first time for me wearing a school uniform together with the other teachers. The learners organized a fashion contest as well as show dances and prepared delicious food. It was a nice and relaxing day for the whole school family.

Matric Dance

Moreover at Friday the 25th September the Matric Dance took place in Birchwood Conference Centre in Benoni. The learners were tarted up in their dresses and suits so that it was hard to recognise them. After the (late) bus brought them to the wonderful decorated place the program started and Mrs. Sibeko led through the evening. After the opening prayer by Mr. Mhlongo, Mr. Sikhosana delivered his speech naming the learners for one evening "ladies and gentlemen". After the guest speaker's speech Sithembiso replied for the twelfth grade thanking teachers and parents for not only teaching but preparing them for life. Subsequently the best learners of every subject and the three overall best learners were honoured with certificates by Mr. Bareki, Mr. Mogowe and Ntando. Then Mr. White concluded with his speech and the whole room was singing the national anthem.

After the "official" part of the evening it was time for delicious refreshments and dancing - a wonderful evening!

30 July 2009

News from Dinoto July 2009: School Reopening, Dinoto's newspaper, Heald Street Garden, Election of new SGB, Peermont funds

School reopening

After the June examination, the pupils (and the educators) deserved a break: the holidays!
This meant three weeks no school, no homework or classwork, except for the grade 12 learners who had to attend their holiday classes for two weeks.

I used this time to search with them for bursaries for their future studies and made a little exposition for them (see picture).

Then on the 20th of July the school reopened.

Dinoto's newspaper

On the first school day after holidays the first issue of the "Young Stars News", the new Dinoto school newspaper was sold.

The newspaper team sold nearly 150 papers and by this raised money for the school. Congratulations!
And they are just working on the next issue!

Heald Street Garden: Dinoto becomes green

Dinoto started a school garden project working together with different stakeholders like the eco-club of the school.
The first step was made by the staff planting spinach seeds on the first bed and they are growing well!
The name of the garden is "Heald Street Garde". Look at the picture and you know why!

Election of new SGB

SGB means School Governing Body. The SGB consists of representatives from the parents, the learners, the teachers, and the nonacademic staff.
It was time to elect the new SGB-members. So now Dinoto has its new SGB members! See our ne chairperson below.

Peermont support

Last but not least Dinoto gets a big chance to get prominent support in the future due to the successful application for support from the Peermont entreprise.

After a hard long working phase over several months, different presentations and the hand-over of a long school report - putted together by the whole staff during a brainstorming session at the weekend - Dinoto got finally a positive answer.
This means of course a lot of work and new challenges for Dinoto.

Mr. Shongwe - maths and science teacher - had the honor to give this positive news to the staff at the 27 th July (which was also the birthday of the principal!) during break time.

With this good news I want to close this blog for today.
More news soon.

Best regards

14 June 2009

News from Dinoto June 2009: June examination, Impala funds and B-Ball

June examination

As the principal has mentioned in his greetings for this blog, Dinoto is in the examination period. This means every day some examens are written. For the grade 12 it is of course more serious because the June examination is something like a pre-test for their final exammination and the examination is already counting (to a very small percentage) for their matric. But of course all the learners are excited about the examen. The examination will go on till the school's closing day at 26 June.

This means you can see everywhere at Dinoto at the moment hard-working students who are studying for their tests:

And when they are not learning they are having their examens. For this they are grouped together at different venues at Dinoto. E.g. the classroom of Mr Sikhosana and me is now "occupied" by some learners from grade 10 and 11:

So "Good Luck" to all Dinoto pupils!

Impala funds

Impala Platinum is a big entreprise in South Africa. Check their homepage for more information. And this company works together with Dinoto. They were givining funds to Dinoto to improve the scientific laboratories. The school is very happy about this and very proud of it. So Dinoto was very glad that the responsible people from Impala were coming to visiting Dinoto. So the school got the chance to say: Thank you! The Educators presented the new equipment which was bought thanks to the Impala funds. So Mam Nyakane presented the Smart Board:

You do not know what is a Smart Board? Then check their homepage. In short: The Smart Board allows innovative teaching. The teaching board becomes an interactive platform where the pupils can discover together with the educators their subject from a new perspective.

Beside this hightech-teaching-equipment it was also - thanks to Impala - possible to supply the laboratories with essential classical teaching-material. For example Mam Nyakane shew the molecule model to the present representatives from Impala, the district and the municipality:

Also electric motors and microscopes were bought.

Finally the school said thank you to Impala by a wonderful speech from Duduzile Dlamini (Grade 12), a very talented learner who just interrupted her writting of her June exmanen for ten minutes to hold the speech:

So in the end the whole event was a big success. And the educators were very happy that everything went well as this lovely picture shows:


Last but (for me) not least the Dinoto Basketball team played a game in Kwa Thema, a township near Springs. It was our first real game. This means it was not a streetball game(3 vs. 3) as the last time but a real 5 against 5 game with four quaters with 15 minutes. And it was great fun! We are getting better and better. Unfortunately we are stopping training at the moment due to the examination. Anyway our game was nice. We are playing like Bafana Bafana (the South African soccer team): very ambitous but always loosing!
But the same as Bafana Bafana we try to improve!

With these impressions I want to close this news-post for today and want to motivate all of you to post you experiences with Dinoto.

Best greetings

Sibusiso aka Jan

20 May 2009

Greetings from the Principal

Hi, to all our former learners. I hope that you are all doing well and always think of us here in sunny South Africa.

What an exciting experience it is for me. At last we will be able to keep in touch and share with you all our news. Thanks Jan for the brilliant idea and all the work you put into it.

It is going well with us and we are now moving into our winter period. In about 2 weeks time we will be starting with our mid year exam.

I want to apeal to all of you to keep in touch. We plan to get on a monthly period post to this page from learners, educators and myself, so please write to us and let us know.

Looking forward to your responce.

Salani Gathle, goodbye, totsiens

19 May 2009

Opening of the Former Dinoto Pupils and Volunteers Blog


this is the opening of the Former Dinoto Pupils and Volunteers Blog. All former pupils and volunteers are invited to post information and photos about their year at Dinoto. We want to build up a network to stay in contact and give future pupils and volunteer the chance to get infos about Dinoto.

As an example let me start:
I am Jan Lauer aka Sibusiso and at the moment an assistant teacher in Dinoto (In this picture you can see me with Mam Madisha who is teaching English).

I enjoy my time here - it is the best time in my life!
I assist Mr Sikhosana in teaching English. Further I opened a basketball team. I will stay in South Africa till March 2010. At the moment a lot of things are hapening in Dinoto. But this will be written in a newsblog. At the moment two other German learners are here at Dinoto.

I am looking forward to hear from you expierences at Dinoto and look at your photos.

Greetings to all; hope to read your post soon!
